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[Keyword] array antenna(166hit)


  • Recent Technologies in Japan on Array Antennas for Wireless Systems Open Access


    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:9

    Array antenna technology for wireless systems is highly integrated for demands such as multi-functionality and high-performance. This paper details recent technologies in Japan in design techniques based on computational electromagnetics, antenna hardware techniques in the millimeter-wave band, array signal processing to add adaptive functions, and measurement methods to support design techniques, for array antennas for future wireless systems. Prospects of these four technologies are also described.

  • Plate-Laminated Waveguide Monopulse Slot Array Antenna with Full-Corporate-Feed in the E-Band Open Access

    Xin XU  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:4

    This paper presents the design and characterization of an E-band 16×16-slot monopulse array antenna with full-corporate-feed fabricated by the commercially available batch process of diffusion bonding of laminated copper plates. The antenna is multi-layered, and consists of vertically-interconnected radiating elements, a corporate-feed circuit and a comparator. It has four input ports for different excitations. Sum and difference beams in different cut-planes for monopulse operation can be generated. The antenna has a quasi-planar profile, and a total size of 13.31 λ0×13.31λ0×1.52λ0 (λ0 is the wavelength at the design frequency of 78.5GHz). The antenna demonstrates a wide operation bandwidth of 17.2 (70-87.2) GHz for VSWR < 2. At 78.5GHz: 1) for the sum beam, there is a 32.6-dBi realized gain (83% antenna efficiency) and a 33.3-dBi directivity (95% aperture efficiency); 2) for the difference beams in the E-, H-, 45°-, and 135°-planes, the null depths are -53.0, -58.0, -57.8, and -65.6dB, respectively. Across the full operation band where the sum main-beam and difference null are able to consistently point at the boresight, the antenna also demonstrates excellent performance in terms of high gain, high efficiency, high isolation, low cross-polarization, and distinguished monopulse capability.

  • Wavelength Analysis Using Equivalent Circuits in a Fast and Slow Wave Waffle-Iron Ridge Guide

    Hideki KIRINO  Kazuhiro HONDA  Kun LI  Koichi OGAWA  


    E100-B No:2

    In this paper we use equivalent circuits to analyze the wavelengths in a Fast and Slow wave Waffle-iron Ridge Guide (FS-WRG). An equivalent circuit for the transverse direction is employed and the transverse resonance method is used to determine the fast wave wavelength. Another equivalent circuit, for the inserted series reactance in the waveguide, is employed for the fast and slow wave wavelength. We also discuss the physical system that determines the wavelengths and the accuracy of this analysis by comparing the wavelengths with those calculated by EM-simulation. Furthermore, we demonstrate use of the results obtained in designing an array antenna.

  • Element Gain Improvement for Phased Array Antenna Based on Radiation Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna

    Takashi MARUYAMA  Takashi UESAKA  Satoshi YAMAGUCHI  Masataka OTSUKA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:1

    We propose a new configuration for phased array antennas. The proposal uses radiation pattern reconfigurable antennas as the antenna element to improve the gain on the scanning angle and to suppress the grating lobes of sparse phased array antennas. This configuration can reduce the element number because the desired gain of the total array can be achieved by using fewer elements. We demonstrate the concept by designing a radiation pattern reconfigurable Yagi-Uda antenna. PIN diode switches are added to the parasitic elements to change director and reflector. The switches of multiple array elements are concurrently controlled by just a single one-pair line. This control structure is simple and can be applied to large-scale arrays. The proposed antenna yields an element gain that almost matches the theoretical limit across about half the coverage, even if the element spacing is enlarged to 1λ. If the switch states are interchanged, the gain in the mirror direction can be increased. We design a 48-element array and compare its gain against those of normal dipole antennas. We also fabricate the proposed antenna and demonstrate radiation pattern switching.

  • Linear Programming Phase Feeding Method for Phased-Array Scanning

    Yi ZHANG  Guoqiang ZHAO  Houjun SUN  Mang HE  Qiang CHEN  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E99-C No:7

    Digital phase shifters are widely used to achieve space scanning in phased array antenna, and beam pointing accuracy depends on the bit number and resolution of the digital phase shifter. This paper proposes a novel phase feeding method to reduce the phase quantization error effects. A linear formula for the beam pointing deviation of a linear uniform array in condition of phase quantization error is derived, and the linear programming algorithm is introduced to achieve the minimum beam pointing deviation. Simulations are based on the pattern of the phased array, which gives each element a certain quantization phase error to find the beam pointing deviation. The novel method is then compared with previous methods. Examples show that a 32-element uniform linear array with 5-bit phase shifters using the proposed method can achieve a higher beam-steering accuracy than the same array with 11-bit phase shifters.

  • Improving Performance by Countering Human Body Shadowing in 60GHz Band Wireless Systems by Using Two Transmit and Two Receive Antennas

    Tomoaki NAGAYAMA  Shigeki TAKEDA  Masahiro UMEHIRA  Kenichi KAGOSHIMA  Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:2

    This paper proposes the use of two transmit and two receive antennas spaced at roughly the width of a human body to improve communication quality in the presence of shadowing by a human body in the 60GHz band. In the proposed method, the transmit power is divided between the two transmit antennas, and the receive antenna that provides the maximum receive level is then chosen. Although the receive level is reduced by 3dB, the maximum attenuation caused by human body shadowing is totally suppressed. The relationship between the antenna element spacing and the theoretical spacing based on the 1st. Fresnel zone theory is clarified. Experiments confirm that antenna spacing several centimeters wider than that given by the 1st. Fresnel zone theory is enough to attain a significant performance improvement.

  • A 12×16-Element Double-Layer Corporate-Feed Waveguide Slot Array Antenna

    Satoshi ITO  Miao ZHANG  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:1

    A 12×16-element corporate-feed slot array is presented. The corporate-feed circuit for the 12×16-elemtent array consists of cross-junctions and asymmetric T-junctions, whereas the conventional one is limited to arrays of 2m×2n slots by its use of symmetric T-junctions. Simulations of the 12×16-element array show a 7.6% bandwidth for reflection less than -14dB. A 31.7-dBi gain with an antenna efficiency of 82.6% is obtained at the design frequency of 61.5GHz. The 12×16-element array is fabricated by diffusion bonding of laminated thin metal plates. Measurements indicate 31.1-dBi gain with 71.9% antenna efficiency at 61.5GHz.

  • Three-Dimensional Over-The-Air Assessment for Vertically Arranged MIMO Array Antennas

    Kun LI  Kazuhiro HONDA  Koichi OGAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:1

    This paper presents a new methodology of the over-the-air (OTA) assessment for vertically arranged multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) array antennas. Particular emphasis is placed on how well handset MIMO antennas with a vertically arranged structure are characterized using the limited number of scatterers implemented in a fading emulator. First we studied the mechanism of the arrangement of scatterers on the variation of channel responses using a proposed three-dimensional analytical model. It is shown that the condition of a 3D-OTA with the prescribed parameters allows the correlation to be reduced, which permits the channel capacity to increase in the same manner that sufficient scatterers are distributed over the entire solid angle. Then the appropriate scatterers arrangement for a 3D-OTA instrument considering the number of DUT antenna elements and multipath characteristics is investigated. The analytical results show that a suitable scatterers arrangement can be determined for various conditions of multipath environments and numbers of array elements, and that the arrangement can be employed for designing an actual 3D-OTA apparatus.

  • Estimating Living-Body Location Using Bistatic MIMO Radar in Multi-Path Environment

    Keita KONNO  Naoki HONMA  Dai SASAKAWA  Kentaro NISHIMORI  Nobuyasu TAKEMURA  Tsutomu MITSUI  Yoshitaka TSUNEKAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E98-B No:11

    This paper proposes a method that uses bistatic Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar to locate living-bodies. In this method, directions of living-bodies are estimated by the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) method at the transmitter and receiver, where the Fourier transformed virtual Single-Input Multiple-Output (SIMO) channel matrix is used. Body location is taken as the intersection of the two directions. The proposal uses a single frequency and so has a great advantage over conventional methods that need a wide frequency band. Also, this method can be used in multipath-rich environments such as indoors. An experiment is performed in an indoor environment, and the MIMO channels yielded by various subject numbers and positions are measured. The result indicates that the proposed method can estimate multiple living-body locations with high accuracy, even in multipath environments.

  • Phased Array Antenna Beam Steering Scheme for Future Wireless Access Systems Using Radio-over-Fiber Technique

    Masayuki OISHI  Yoshihiro NISHIKAWA  Kosuke NISHIMURA  Keiji TANAKA  Shigeyuki AKIBA  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  


    E97-B No:7

    This paper proposes a simple and practical scheme to decide the direction of a phased array antenna beam in wireless access systems using Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) technique. The feasibility of the proposed scheme is confirmed by the optical and wireless transmission experiments using 2GHz RoF signals. In addition, two-dimensional steering operation in the millimeter-wave band is demonstrated for targeting future high-speed wireless communication systems. The required system parameters for practical use are also provided by investigating the induced transmission penalties. The proposed detection scheme is applicable to two-dimensional antenna beam steering in the millimeter-wave band by properly designing the fiber length and wavelength variable range.

  • Decoupling Network Comprising Transmission Lines and Bridge Resistance for Two-Element Array Antenna

    Shumo LI  Naoki HONMA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E97-B No:7

    This paper presents a novel decoupling network consisting of transmission lines and a bridge resistance for a two-element array antenna and evaluates its performance through simulations and measurements. To decouple the antennas, the phase of the mutual admittance between the antenna ports is rotated by using the transmission lines, and a pure resistance working as a bridge resistance is inserted between the two antenna ports to cancel the mutual coupling. The simulation results indicate that the proposed decoupling network can provide a wider bandwidth than the conventional approach. The proposed decoupling network is implemented and tested as a demonstration to confirm its performance. The measurement results indicate that the mutual coupling between the two antenna ports is lowered by about 47dB at the resonant frequency.

  • Experimental Evaluation of Bistatic Ocean Wave Remote Sensing System by GPS

    Jian CUI  Nobuyoshi KOUGUCHI  


    E97-B No:2

    This paper presents an experimental evaluation of an ocean wave remote sensing system that uses bistatic GPS signal reflection to estimate wave characteristics. In our previous paper, a bistatic ocean wave remote sensing system by GPS was proposed to estimate the characteristics of sea swell near a harbor, and was also evaluated by numerical simulations. In the next phase, a prototype system has been developed and some basic experiments have been carried out in a coastal area in order to evaluate the system experimentally. In this paper, we will outline the prototype system. The system mainly consists of an array antenna, a front-end, and an estimator for ocean wave characteristics. Next, we explain that the estimator for ocean wave characteristics can identify each signal reflected from the ocean waves. Finally, the experiments show that the prototype system can receive the reflected signals from the sea-surface near the coast, and estimate the wave period and wavelength in the direction of the array antenna.

  • A Partially Driven Array Antenna Backed by a Reflector with a Reduction in the Number of Driven Elements by Up to 67%

    Tadashi TAKANO  Takehiro IMURA  Midori OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:11

    This paper describes a novel technique to replace some of the driven elements in an array antenna with parasitic elements. First, the antenna characteristics are studied by simulation for a basic unit array with one driven and two parasitic elements. The entire antenna is backed with a flat reflector to conform to practical applications. The parasitic elements are excited by the neighboring driven elements through the electromagnetic coupling effect. It is shown that at the optimal coupling condition, the radiation patterns are almost identical with those of an array antenna whose elements are all driven without coupling. The simulation result is confirmed by performing an experiment at 5.8GHz (λ =51.7mm). Finally, a 12-element array is formed by combining four unit arrays. The simulation results show that the maximum antenna gain is 19.4dBi, indicating that there is no penalty with respect to the antenna gain of a fully driven 12-element array. Therefore, the array antenna can be considerably simplified by replacing 67% of its elements with parasitic elements.

  • Performance Evaluation of Short-Range MIMO Using a Method for Controlling Phase Difference between Each Propagation Channel

    Kazumitsu SAKAMOTO  Ken HIRAGA  Tomohiro SEKI  Tadao NAKAGAWA  Kazuhiro UEHARA  

    PAPER-Adaptive Array Antennas/MIMO

    E96-B No:10

    A Simple decoding method for short-range MIMO (SR-MIMO) transmission can reduce the power consumption for MIMO decoding, but the distance between the transceivers requires millimeter-order accuracy in order to satisfy the required transmission quality. In this paper, we propose a phase difference control method between each propagation channel to alleviate the requirements for the transmission distance accuracy. In the proposed method, the phase difference between each propagation channel is controlled by changing the transmission (or received) power ratio of each element of sub-array antennas. In millimeter-wave broadband transmission simulation, we clarified that when sub-array antenna spacing is set to 6.6 mm and element spacing of sub-array antenna is set to 2.48mm, the proposed method can extend the transmission distance range satisfying the required transmission quality, which is that bit error rate (BER) before error correction is less than 10-2 from 9∼29mm to 0∼50mm in QPSK, from 15∼19mm to 0∼30mm in 16QAM, and from only 15mm to 4∼22mm in 64QAM.

  • A Calibrationless Si-CMOS 5-bit Baseband Phase Shifter Using a Fixed-Gain-Amplifier Matrix

    Tuan Thanh TA  Shoichi TANIFUJI  Suguru KAMEDA  Noriharu SUEMATSU  Tadashi TAKAGI  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E96-C No:10

    In this paper, we propose a novel baseband (BB) phase shifter (PS) using a fixed-gain-amplifier (FGA) matrix. The proposed BB PS consists of 5 stages of a vector synthesis type FGA matrix with in-phase/quadrature-phase (I/Q) input/output interfaces. In order to achieve low gain variation between phase shift states, 3rd to 5th stages are designed to have a phase shift of +φi and -φi (i=3,4,5). To change between +φi and -φi phase shift states, two FGAs with DC bias in-phase/out-phase switches are used. The two FGAs have the same gain, therefore ideally no gain variation can be achieved. Using this configuration, phase shift error and gain variation caused by process mismatch and temperature variation can be reduced. Fabricated 5-bit BB PS has 3-dB bandwidth of 1.05GHz, root-mean-square (rms) phase errors lower than 2.2°, rms gain variations lower than 0.42dB. Power consumption of the PS core and output buffer are 4.9mW and 14.3mW, respectively. 1-dB compression output power is -12.5dBm. The fabricated PS shows that the total phase shift error and gain variation are within the required accuracy of a 5-bit PS with no requirement of calibration.

  • Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Near-Field Sources with Multiple Symmetric Subarrays

    Tomoyuki KITADA  Jun CHENG  Yoichiro WATANABE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:2

    A direction-of-arrival estimation (DoA) scheme that uses a uniform circular array (UCA) is proposed for near-field sources, where multiple pairs-of-subarrays exist with central symmetry. First, multiple generalized ESPRIT (G-ESPRIT) spectrums are obtained by applying the conventional G-ESPRIT algorithm to each of multiple pairs-of-subarrays. Second, a parallel spectrum is found by adding up the reciprocals of these G-ESPRIT spectrums and taking the reciprocal of the total. The locations of peaks in the parallel spectrum give the DoAs being estimated. When a DoA approaches the translation direction of two subarrays, the conventional G-ESPRIT spectrum is broken by a false peak. Since the translation directions of pairs-of-subarrays are different from each other, the false peak, due to the DoA approaching one of translation directions, does not exist simultaneously in all G-ESPRIT spectrums. The parallel concatenation of the spectrums suppresses the false peak and enhances the true DoA peaks. Simulation shows that the proposed scheme reduces the root mean square error of the DoA estimation, compared with the conventional G-ESPRIT algorithm.

  • Compact MIC Magic-T and the Integration with Planar Array Antenna Open Access

    Masayoshi AIKAWA  Eisuke NISHIYAMA  


    E95-C No:10

    This paper describes very compact MIC magic-Ts and their integration with planar array antennas to realize the advanced antenna modules. The orthogonal transmission modes are effectively used to arrange the preferable port layout of magic-Ts. This flexible port layout of magic-Ts is a practical feature for integration with planar array antennas. The integration of magic-Ts and planar array antennas can easily create advanced functions. A couple of array antennas based on the integration advantages are introduced to materialize this technical concept. This integration approach is of big worth to originate various kinds of advanced antennas and the wireless modules in the ubiquitous society.

  • State Classification with Array Sensor Using Support Vector Machine for Wireless Monitoring Systems

    Jihoon HONG  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  


    E95-B No:10

    We have previously proposed an indoor monitoring and security system with an array sensor. The array sensor has some advantages, such as low privacy concern, easy installation with low cost, and wide detection range. Our study is different from the previously proposed classification method for array sensor, which uses a threshold to classify only two states for intrusion detection: nothing and something happening. This paper describes a novel state classification method based on array signal processing with a machine learning algorithm. The proposed method uses eigenvector and eigenvalue spanning the signal subspace as features, obtained from the array sensor, and assisted by multiclass support vector machines (SVMs) to classify various states of a human being or an object. The experimental results show that our proposed method can provide high classification accuracy and robustness, which is very useful for monitoring and surveillance applications.

  • Automated Creation of Beamformer-Based Optimum DOA Estimation Algorithm Using Genetic Algorithm

    Shunsuke YOSHIMURA  Hiroshi HIRAYAMA  Nobuyoshi KIKUMA  Kunio SAKAKIBARA  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E95-B No:10

    A novel method for automatically creating an optimum direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm for a given radio environment using a genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed. DOA estimation algorithms are generally described by parameters and operators. The performance of a DOA estimation algorithm is evaluated using root mean square error (RMSE) through computer simulations. A GA searches for the combination of parameters and operators that gives the lowest RMSE. Because a GA can treat only bit strings, Polish notation is used to convert bit strings into a DOA estimation algorithm. A computer simulation showed that the proposed method can create a new angle spectrum function. The created angle spectrum function has higher resolution than the Capon method.

  • Feeding Matrix Placed on a Single Layer with Hybrid Coupler Controlling Beams in Three Directions Including Boresight

    Masatoshi TSUJI  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E95-B No:10

    This paper proposes an easy-to-design, theory-consistent compact feeding circuit, with a single input and four outputs, being comprised of two hybrid circuits that are capable of switching a beam in three directions. The circuits that determine the phase differences between the antennas are present on the same single layer, and thus there is no effect of vias and the design agrees well with the underlying theory. In addition, the vertically and horizontally symmetrical circuit pattern contributes to a substantial reduction in design time. The circuit is designed for use in the ISM band and its properties are evaluated using an RF circuit simulator. A prototype is fabricated and evaluated. The results of the simulation and measurement agree well with the theoretical values. The dimensions of the feeding circuit are 75 (H)55 (W)3.0 (T) mm.


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